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Are you a
(If you are a limited company please use the seperate form provided)
Trading Name: Type of Business:
Address: Customer Due Diligence:
Passport ID Number: OR
Driving License Photo ID:
Post Code: Business Telephone Number:
Email: Mobile Telephone Number:
Number Years Established:
Bank Details Credit References
Bank Name: A:
Account Number: B:
Sort Code: Bank Address:
Credit Amount Applied For Per Fortnight: Direct Debit Mandate Completed: Yes No
Personal Details Partners Details if Applicable
Full Name: Full Name
Home Address (Incl Flat Position): Home Address (Incl Flat Position):
Post Code: Post Code
Home Tel Number: Home Tel Number:
If less than 1 Year please give previous address. Do You
Own Home
I confirm the information detailed above is accurate and that I approve of the terms and conditions. I confirm and accept searches on banking details and properties will be carried out.
Signature: Date:
The ownership of goods delivered by JW Filshill will only be transferred to the purchaser, when he has paid all this is owed to the supplier no matter on what grounds.